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After the birthday suit, Comes Acceptance

So, you're going to get all the advice, tips and suggestions you need regarding, skin, hair, health and of course style. And since us "tight budgeted" women don't always have the funds to go out and buy what we need- I'm going to keep everything simple and practical. Nothing complicating. The goal is to use what you already have in your home; for you to be the best you, which includes keeping as much money in your wallet as possible! That is one of my top main goals. Now I may suggest you go buy a few items, however it won't be crazy expensive, however, it will be of superb quality( I'm not a fan of buying inexpensive stuff that falls apart a day later).

So...Where do you start???

Acceptance of Reality. Take an inventory of all the clothes , undergarments, shoes, hair/facial products & other accessories you have. Have very little clothes? Accept that . Currently my closet looks bare. I used to sulk and pout on my bed( and sob like I just had a break up), while staring at the scarcity of my closet, wondering why I can't have a lot of clothes like other people; or why couldn't I go on a shopping spree at Von Mour like my co-workers. Thankfully, acceptance found its way to me and I realized there was nothing I could do to change it. I had to creatively work with what I had( still do); folks compliment me so I must not look like a hot mess! Now don't get me wrong, I definetly have a thirst, like I definetly desire to go shopping but I can't and thats just how it is.***

If you have a few pairs of jeans, one/two dresses; three blouses; one hair product ; a pair of earrings and NO type of make up...then you're good to go. Maybe you have less than that. Its all good. We are going to turn these few items into alot!

If you have tons of clothes and accessories, that of course, is great and such a blessing too! You may need to do some 'sortin & donatin'. We'll talk about that later . Alright, let the closet adventures begin!

You're gonna hear me roar whoa whoaaaa oh oh oh! #katyperry

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