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About Me:


Hello, I'm Christina. My passion is to bring out your inner beauty to radiate on the outisde.  I want to encourage & give hope to women amongst a culture that screams we must look "perfect" in order to be accepted; and the  way I do this is through simple beauty suggestions. To show ways to take care of yourself and keep healthy on a tight budget. 


You may have the type of budget where you are debating whether you should eat or pay a bill. Or you're contemplating ideas of going against your morals to gain money cause' you desperately need it. Let me tell you, I have been there plenty of times. Many women are silently weeping inside because of this. There's hope.


And honestly, You can't really afford to go shopping and buy the latest hair products or trends, right? There's hope! Gotta work with what you have and TA DA!  I'm going to show you how to do so!


P.S. This isn't strictly for the 'broke' girl. This is for ALL women who just want some styling tips to bring out their inner beauty.  Or maybe struggle with body image issues.  So, PLEASE do not feel I have pushed away the women who aren't struggling with budgets. You are welcomed!

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